Monday, May 21, 2012

Judgment Here and Later

Often when we talk about judgment in church we talk about the kind that we can level at one another.  Sure, that is judgment and the Bible is clear on how we are to treat better advice exists than the Biblical text of 'Judge not lest ye be judged'.  That text has two-fold meaning:  1) our judgment of others can and will be met by a return of the favor from other individuals that see us doing it.  2) our judgement of others create a need for judgment from our God.

You remember the story of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18?  The king gives immeasurable mercy to his servant by forgiving his huge debt.  The servant turns to another who owes him a much smaller amount and instead of giving mercy he gives threats even jails the man until 'every penny is paid'.  The king (a picture of God) is told of this and rightly judges the unforgiving servant for his sin.

I wonder how often we must fall into this cycle before we will stop with our judgments and merciless attitudes on others?

I am studying the book of Habakkuk.  This prophet of God seems to be the only prophet that instead of giving a message to the people is recorded questioning God's judgment of God's people.  What is God's response?  He fully intends to use an evil nation (Babylon) to judge His own evil people (Judah) until they can learn to be faithful.  After all, He is grooming and preparing the nation of Judah to bring forth Messiah (Jesus) to save the entire world and they must not fall away from their faith before that time would come.

Lord, help me not to judge others but to instead turn that energy upon my own life.  Help me not to inspect others to see the 'fruit of their Christian Life' but instead to look and see if my own life is bearing fruit of Christ-likeness.

Let me remember that the little judgments that I pass here in this life have eternal significance.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


This week we are preparing for our 158th Anniversary Celebration that we are calling a Homecoming.  We are very excited to see friends and family from years gone by as well as get a chance to welcome guests and new folks in the community!

It's funny, because we will gather in a tent outside of our church building due to space (gathering at 10:30am for Worship if you were wondering).  So we are actually celebrating Homecoming with more meager comforts that our normal worship gathering.

Did you know there is a Homecoming in the future of every follower of Jesus that will be very little like this?  It will be an event of perfection and event of immaculate preparation...

Yet, our preparation for that day of Homecoming when we meet Jesus should be even more diligently prepared for!  We should spend much energy making sure that day is met with this greeting from our Lord - 'Well done, good and faithful servant'.

Many tell me that they have a bit of fear about the day when we meet the Lord face to face.  They are concerned with their destination or with what their life will have earned them.  Here is a verse for you if you feel this way - 'For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord'. (Romans 8:38-39 ESV)

See you at Homecoming this weekend at Pilgrims Rest and then I hope to see you at Homecoming that day when this world passes away and our new life begins in the New Heaven and New Earth!