At Pilgrims Rest, I am doing three separate studies currently.
#1 is a verse by verse study of Exodus on Wednesday Nights. We are in Exodus 20 this week and will be dealing with the first 4 of the 10 Commandments listed. These are the commandments that are directed to our relationship to God.
#2 is a journey through the scriptures during our Sunday Morning Worship times. It is called 'God's Story' and is a broadstroke journey that covers many of the themes and texts in the Bible...showing God's great plan of Redemption. This week will be covering Exodus Chapter 20 as well as other parts of Exodus. Again, the commandments.
#3 is my Sunday School/Small Group. We have been going chronologically through the scriptures since Jan 1 and have just started the New Testament (last week). This week's text includes the Sermon on the Mount which has much relation to the Commandments.
I love it when a plan comes together - especially when it isn't my plan! Do the commandments cause you to stop and change things or do they cause action? Do you see all of God's Word as His Commands to His People or just some of it? Can you list all TEN? Just wondering...