Monday, January 23, 2012

Our Word is our bond...

Maybe your parents told you that 'your word should be your bond' when you were grandpa told me that and I have always tried to live in such a way.  In Matthew 5:37 Jesus teaches similarly when he says 'Let what you say be simply yes or no, anything more than this is evil'.

How many times have we broken the bonds of truth and brought reproach on the name of Jesus?  That is a difficult thought but one that we need to consider as followers of Jesus.  When we break a promise or fail to do what we say, it is not just us that is frowned upon but also our Lord.

Some would say that they just refrain from making any commitments therefore they do not have to worry about letting any one down.  However, I will tell you that a person that makes no commitments lets everyone down!  Jesus' teaching here was to value our words and actions to the point that we live a life of integrity and character...committing to things that we want to do and need to do and then following through.

Just for an added thought - once we have made a commitment to something - as followers of Jesus Christ, we should not just do it but 'do it as if we were doing to for Him personally'.  That means giving it our best and striving to achieve excellence.  As one wise man said, 'do your best and forget the rest'.

Let's be a people of Godly Integrity!

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