Monday, February 6, 2012

Healing and Miracles

Does God's Power still manifest through supernatural healing or jaw-dropping miracles?  Did His healing power end after the apostles passed on to Glory?  This is our topic of discussion this Wednesday Night at 6:30pm.

We have been studying the Spiritual Gifts - those giftings that God gives His Children to accomplish His work in the world.  Notably, both healing and miracles are listed in 1 Corithians 12:8-10 and 28-31.  These are often listed as sign gifts.  What are sign gifts?  They are spiritual gifts that God ordains to point to Him, His Power, His Glory and His Goodness (don't signs usually point out what the sign-maker desires to be known about them?).

Tell a cancer survivor that God's healing power isn't in effect 'these days' after they were told they only had months to live - only to go back to the doctor and be told the cancer cannot be found and that there is no 'medical explanation' for what has happened.

Tell the missionary that God does not do miracles 'in our times' after they have seen Him re-grow arms, remove demonic spirits, etc.

As a matter of fact, don't tell them that and don't tell me that.  Our God, My God, is still in the business of changing lives and still actively pointing His creation unto Himself and He often uses these powerful and gracious 'sign gifts' to do it.  When in the situation of sharing His Gospel with a lost soul, ask and expect Him to deliver signs and wonders of His love for them.  Don't test Him, don't corner Him, don't get silly, don't trivialize this gift - just ask Him to demonstrate His nature!

When we pray, we should come expectant of seeing God show up in the matter we have prayed about.  That could be a need for bodily healing, a need for financial provision or for the greatest need of all - that a lost soul be brought under the saving Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  What better healing than for God to heal a heart that is desperately sick, so sick that only He can know it (Jeremiah 17:9).

Today, I am praying for our faith family, that God would heal all.  I am praying for our community, that God would give signs of His love and power.  I am praying for our hearts, that although we believe - that He would help our unbelief.  Join me.

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